Suggestions from May 2022

Please add and suggestion or feature you would like to see in Ninox here and after a while I will collated them and send the off to Ninox support. Please keep your suggestion short and to the point and not start a dialog as this will help me collated the info.....

Ie Please could you add some more design elements to the print report designer such as boxes and ruled lines!

38 replies

    • Mel_Charles
    • 2 yrs ago
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    Regrettably 😖

    You will recall that I uploaded and followed up the suggestions complied on list 1 (Christmas wish list 1). Not because we all thought it would guarantee implementation but one hoped that someone from the Ninox development team would cogitate on some of the ideas and maybe give consideration as to advantages/disadvantages/practicality and how often some of the member suggestions may have cropped up.

    Well - to date following several emails to support I have received in return ...... Nothing! It would have been nice to get a response even if it only said - thank you for the list we will consider it.

    I have to say that this is not normally the response I usually receive to my emails as they are often answered reasonably promptly.

    However as there is a little to asking for a reply I feel that on that basis there is little to be gained by adding any more to this thread....

    Apologies to those that have taken the time to add their comments 


      • Ninox developper
      • Jacques_TUR
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Mel Charles 

      I understand your sadness and anger. But I find these lists relevant. They inspire me and give me ideas for development. I think some of it is achievable and I intend to try in the coming months.

      Thank you for initiating these lists. It gives us a place to express ourselves together.

    • Rafael Sanchis
    • Rafael_Sanchis
    • 2 yrs ago
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    The unfortunate thing is that not even the bugs have been resolved

    • Mel_Charles
    • 2 yrs ago
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    Jacques TUR - Sadness a little - Angry definitely not! 🙂.

    It's a little bit of a shame as Ninox is a brilliant platform to use, and I have committed my business processes to using it. But it does lack behind others ie The Knack where there is heaps of links etc to tips/basic/intermediate help/projects etc.. and they appear to be alive all over the members forum.

    It seems like you have to wade in the water every time you want to find out what fish are in the pond. It should not be that hard. wouldn't it be better to have a published fish list to hand up front and keep your feet nice and dry!

    re mods/upgrades I get it - if only one person requests a feature that gives them x then clearly Ninox have to decide the viability of developing it etc. 

    I've used Ninox now for some 2 years + (i think) and I have seen many repeated requests for similar features. so my point is - NINOX do us the courtesy of at least making a reply... and better still - why still publish a list of what you are considering/actioning/dumping just like other good software houses do (Sage?)  and post it under the support tab on your website?

    mild rant over !!!

    • Rafael Sanchis
    • Rafael_Sanchis
    • 2 yrs ago
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    I have only been with Ninox for three months and the most worrying thing is that I look back at the Forum and see that there are things that have been going on for 2 and 3 years that have not been resolved or undertaken and it is worrying.

    • Mel_Charles
    • 2 yrs ago
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    I noticed that on facebook the other day that at the head of the Ninox group was an advert stating that users could be added to a feature request database - thus I asked support if I could be added. However support advised me that this is no longer an option and this offer was been removed from facebook last night or today.

    Moving forward I'm unsure as to whether support want any suggestions from users or not... as I have been unable to get clear confirmation one way or the other..

    Hopefully, Ninox themselves will put a post on this thread or forum to provide some clarity.

    I also noted it also states they are not going through facebook posts too.

    • phellstrand
    • 2 yrs ago
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    Clickable link fields, like URL's but for locally stored video files.

    • Josef_Koenig
    • 2 yrs ago
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    I would suggest to integrate GOOGLE CHARTS into NINOX.

    It would expand the dashboard possibilities of ninox enormously.

    Therefore a special connector has to be built:

    Unfortunately, my own programming skills are not sufficient to create such one. Maybe someone from Ninox or someone from our ninox community can program such a connector. 
    It would be incredibly helpful!

      • MODA
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Josef Koenig We use eCharts instead. It's open source & the you can literally render any kind of chart with it. Besides it's directly compatible with carbone.io so everything you render within ninox is already available for rendering in your exported word & powerpoint documents 🔥

      • Josef_Koenig
      • 2 yrs ago
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      MODA Thank you so much!

    • MODA
    • 2 yrs ago
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    1. The ability for a user to add / remove columns in nested tables without having to change the schema (having the notion of user specific session with default configuration for that specific user). This is absolutely mandatory if one day ninox wants to promote the selling of templates by partners or by ninox (it's the N°1 feature request trobia.fr users are asking us).
    2. Inline editing of tables in forms. Right now, this is only possible in the views but not in the forms. If you click on any row in a form, it just pops up the record. Would have been great if we could flip a checkbox state from true to false without popping up the record, allowing us to select many rows of a table and invoking an action on them. The way to go around this right now is through native html....  I heard it was in the pipes, but didn't see it yet.
    • Mel_Charles
    • 2 yrs ago
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    As i said earlier . Ninox are not reading this thread and They have not replied in any form regarding the earlier collated list of ideas. So there is no point in me collecting this list!.

    Suggest you send your requests direct to support

      • Ninox developper
      • Jacques_TUR
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Mel Charles I think it's a good place to share what we think is impossible on Ninox because sometimes it's possible and others have the solution.
      Already several solutions have been found and shared here. So it's useful in the end.
      Thanks for this initiative Mel Charles