Hide the Wrench
Is there a script that can be added in a formula that will hide the Wrench? Similar to the Trash, Copy and other icons top right.
5 replies
You can with this,
html(" <style> .hud-menu-button.i-32-24.i-white.i-setting-tool.--ul-admin-button.admin-button{display:none;} </style> ")
but it will only work when the Form where the Formula field is is open. You can put this in Trigger after open,
dialog("Hide Wrench", html("<script> var styleSheet = document.styleSheets[2]; styleSheet.insertRule('.hud-menu-button.i-32-24.i-white.i-setting-tool.--ul-admin-button.admin-button{display:none;}'); var interval = setInterval(() => { var bt = document.querySelector('.nx-alert .nx-button-text'); if (bt) { bt.click(); clearInterval(interval); } }); </script>"), ["close"])
but then you'll either have to edit the database file manually to to make Admin button display again or set up a way to show the Admin button in a Formula field which kind of defeats the purpose unless you hide it.
If you use the Trigger after open version you can put this in a Formula field and if it isn't hidden and the Form is open it will show the wrench.
html(" <style> .hud-menu-button.i-32-24.i-white.i-setting-tool.--ul-admin-button.admin-button{display:inline;} </style> ")
Thanks all!!
Additional related question:
can you hide the calendar button?
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- 1 yr agoLast active
- 5Replies
- 172Views