Integrating eMail HTML code for Outlook appointment invitation

Here goes:
We have a "ToDo-List" function in our CRM but instead of sending regular e-mails with lists of ToDos sorted by urgency, I would like to facilitate incorporating the ToDos into the Outlook calendar for individual 

Since in principle, an outlook invitation via E-Mail is just a bunch of code, I was wondering if anybody has developed something like this using the sendEmail function. 

I was not able to find anything like this online. 

1 reply

    • Ninox partner
    • RoSoft_Steven.1
    • 2 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

     You are talking about adding a .ICS  file as attachment in your email right?

    By making a text-file in the .ICS format and attach this in your email can work.

    using the createTextFile() function : https://docs.ninox.com/en/script/function-overview/functions/createtextfile

    more about the .ICS format can be found on wiki.