Leo Woer
real time link between local DB and Cloud DB
Hi there, with the barcodeScan I can scan a barcode via my mobile app and place the barcode info in a field in the mobile app. How do I pass this info over to the app in the Cloud,…
- Answered
hide add record
Hi there, has anyone any idea of how to hide the "add new record" or "open existing record" in a form with a related table ? I know I can hide it with display as checkbox,…
Show two tables in one view
Hi there - has any body tried to do this and how will it be done ? The case is that I have a table for purchases (Danish name "Indkøb") An a table for Sales (Danish "Salg"),…
Upper case characters
Has anybody a solution of how to change all fieldnames in the DB to for example upper case characters. ? rgds Leo
History in calendar
Hi all, it seems to be that every time I do something in calendar, it will be marked as history on top og each date. Does anyone know if it is possible to hide this history for the end user ?…
calculate stock
Hi all I have a table "Fakturalinier Materialer" (Invoice lines articles) from which I want to control my stock. Therefore I made this calculation for a start, for later to set the stock value,…
- Answered