Populate a field with values from a list
Hello! I need to write some values in a field. There are around 10 different values, that i want to put in a field in random order. I guess i first need to put them in a separate table,…
Duplicate several records with changing one of the fild values
Hello! I need help, guys! How can i duplicate lets say 10 records of a table simultaneously (not one by one), and at the same time automatically changing some text in one of the text fields?…
Prevent old record editing for users with limited access rights
Hello! I have 2 access rights levels in my db - admin and manager, where manager has less rights. How can i prevent a manager to change anything in an old record,…
List filter does not work without updating the webpage
Hello! In my appointments list i have a formula column with this formula: date(start('date')) = today(), which i filter by Yes value to see only today's appointments.…
How to use text from textfield in a formula
Hello! I need to calculate a sum of various numbers (ex. sum of electricity bills of a trimester). It would be convenient to have a field where i just put the amount of every bill in a string like…
How to limit user to fill the fields in the form, but not see the list of records in that table
Hello! I searched for the solution, but cant find it. I have a tablet that i give to a client so he can fill the form in the table Clients. But i dont want him to be able to see other records in that…