🇫🇷 Laurent
Joined: Thu Sep 01 12:00:13 UTC 2016
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Tricky question about sorting for ninox experts…
hi all, let's say i've got 2 columns first one is a text one second one is a selection field i want to sort the records by the second column and then the first column… ok i create a third column to…
can I set and use global variables ?
for example i go to the option panel of my database (admin mode) and i type : let pn := 110;void and then i would use pn (how to call "pn" back btw ? just use pn ?…
how can we interrupt a too long process ?
- on the mac app ? - on the web app ? - and even on the "do as server" mode ? the spinning wheel is nice but i prefer when it goes away, don't you ? thanks all
Re: Is it possible to use a web form (like a Google Form) so that responses automatically populate a Ninox table?
thanks sakshi, when i'll have more time, i will dive into that subject that is so exciting and interesting… i will need some help there because i don't know anything about api things…