OCR with worksheet
Hi, I'm looking for an OCR solution I could plug with Ninox to convert old printed worksheets with 3 column into separated records, one per line. I'd also need to validate each line and modify the…
Automatic incremental numbers (modifiable)
Hi, How to auto-complete a field on a newly created record with a number incrementaly +1 than the previous record (starting on 1), but still bee able to modify it manually later ?…
Keyboard shortcut to close a record ?
Hi, Whereas CMD + N creates a new record correctly, the shortcut CMD + W close the whole DB, not only the active record. (I work on a mac). Is there a proper shortcut to do so, please ? Regards
Auto link to N:2 root table
Hi, I'm doing a table to keep track of the successive persons at a certain Function in companies. Therefore, I have a Company table, linked to a Function table, linked itself to a Contact table.…
Display fields from a linked record
Hi, This is most certainly basic features, but how to display certains fields (i.e. text or picture) from an upper linked/rooted record, directly in the sub record, please ?…
How to open MS Words to generate custom Letter + Envelope (.docx) ?
Hi, Despite the classic ninox template print rendering, can a scripted button open a selected template (i.e. multiple choices) with MS Words with customed fields from the records, so I can modify it ?…
Diacritic (¨/ ^ / é / ù ...) and failling researches
Hi, I've experience missed record following a research with a word which includes diacritic. I.e searching for Opera doesn't give records with Opéra. Lazy frenches! but honestly,…
How to Reverse Linking between 2 tables ?
Hi, Is it possible to change "Link to" to "Link from" between 2 tables? I happen to have 1 only contact record on a link to sub-menu, don't need more. Is it understandable? Looking forward,…
- Answered
Why urlOf(This) doesn't lauch the App ?
Hi, Would it be nice if the urlOf(this) links used on a mobile device, on Google i.e., would lauch the Ninox App (if installed) instead of opening the browser interface ?…
Merge 2 similar DB
Hi , From the beginning, I've had one DB on a private server and a similarly links structure and fields other DB on Ninox server. I've upgraded them simultaneously, but I may have forgot some,…