A new virgin new view in the table
Hi When one create a new view in a table the columns of the field on the left window countains already a lot of fields (Visible columns) Is there way to create an empty left window of visible columns…
Extract names from compound names
Hi, Here is a function to get Ara from a list of compound names woth Ara inside : let xBegin := substring(Nom,0,4) let xLen := length(Nom) if xBegin = "Ara " then substring(Nom,4,…
Question about the numbers and names of column
Hi I have two questions about the names and numbers of fields -Sometimes the names of the columns (fields) are just columns Column1, Column2, Column4 …mixed with real names Name Job adress… When one…
A formula to really change numbers in text in a column in a real numbers columns ?
Hi, How can we change numbers in text into real numbers ? I used the formula : format(number('Number of 'species'), "0000") It works well but if I click on the filter box at the top of the column I…
Concatenate for sum
Hi The notice says that to get the sum of a numbers that are inside the fields one have to use "concatenate" in the filer box and choose between sum -average- minimum -maximum.…
Where is the error ?
Hi, I wrote this script for a button to link values between to tables : do as server for i in select Table2 do let myRec:= i. 'Couleur' let mySup:= first( select Couleur [ Couleur = myRec] ) i.…
Issue about the duplicates…
Hi, Strange thing about the duplicates. I use a script to display the duplicates. I do not get the right numbers of originals : 16 instead of 41 ! What can explain such an error ? Thanks.