Where is the top-center of Ninox to select ?
Hi I am with an Ipad. I can’t select rows to copy records as shown below on the screenshot. There, one explains that one have to click from top-center of Ninox.…
Copy paste a value on all the fields in a row ?
Hi Is there a way to copy paste the same value on all the fields in a row ? For instance, I would like to copy the word "France" on each of the country fields "country" of my database. Thanks
Add a base to another ?
Hi How can I add a base to another ? For instance I have an incomplete base 1 I would like to add to it a base 2. Can someone tell me the way to do it ? Thank you
To change the style of the name of the fields in the form ?
Hi Is it possible to change the style of the name of the fields in the form ? Thank you.
To change the style of the row ?
Hi Is it possible to change the style of some rows in the table (not in the form) ? Thanks
Meaning of an error ?
Hi, Can someone explain me what does mean "Expected end : Select the line 2, column 6" Thanks
Error in formula
Hi I have an issue with a formula.When I write a query I have an alarm which says "Expectedend = select to the lire 2, column 6"Can someone help me ?Thanks