How can one remove a function ?
Hi I made a wrong function and I can’t remove it. So now all the values in a column are wrongs. I erase the function in the function window it in the text tab but it stays.…
A text function that does not work…
Hi I try to extract the word "Ara" from a list of compound words where it is contained : Blue Ara Ara macaw Red Ara … I found that in the Ninox notice :…
a script to search a word
Hi I have an issue to search a word in a column in the filtering box with ='word' This filtering expressionnworks perfectly on all the others colums of my table but not in that one.…
About = in searching words
Hi When I want to search a word inside others Ex : only Ara in : Blue Ara Ara macaw Red Ara ="Ara" does not work ! But if I search only X in : X X X XXX ="X" works Is it normal ? If yes,…
Question about Ninox version for Ipad and the table relationships
Hi Is is true that in the Ipad version it is not possible to get automatically the links and one have to click each time on the magnifer to get the link ?…