Interesting new Ninox Video
https://youtu.be/8HKGhOOTqao?si=uJAXR156EDBl3v0J I saw view this interesting Ninox Video
Script Error on line 15
#{ Get the selected categories from the Choice (dynamic) field 'Categories' in the Control HH table }#; let selectedCategories := Categories; #{ Start an empty list to store the associated Rates to…
- Answered
The script don't work
" Variable 'Categories_>' is n:1 relationship "; let catg := 'Categories_>'; let rate := (select Categories where Category = catg).Rate; 'Rate by Categ' = rate I try once choose the 'Categories_>'…
Active Multiple Choice (dynamic)
There are any way to active MCd when enter data on field. Example When enter data in T4 check T4 on MCd and the same on ther others P7,P6,P3. Thanks
Way to Assign multiples fields to another table.
Hi. Attach a Dummy DB. Table 'Hours by Resources' and table 'Documents' It is necessary to assign each categorie for each document. Each document can have several categories.…
- Answered