Richard Bramall
Triggering importFile() without a button? to automate updating of a shareFile()
Is this possible? My goal is to use a shareFile() Link, but the document will update daily. So I am trying to import the document to an image/file field at regular intervals so that the URL is always…
Sum the checked / ticked Dynamic Multiple Choice
Hi, I have a list of Multiple Choice Dynamic Radio Buttons, I am trying to sum or count the amount of 'checked' items. For example, using the dynamic list as a checklist,…
Sort Dynamic Choices
Hi, Is there a way to sort the new Dynamic Choices, they currently appear in order of ID but struggling to order them by a field within the record alphabetically / numerically Thanks
Show Image from subtable on Print View
I have a subtable, each with a single image. I can display this as a table in the Print View, but the images are far too small in the table. I can use a formula field in print view to direct to the…
urgent - stop script
Hi is, there a global function to 'stop all scripts' ? I have an error in a button and the script is still running on something which needs to be ended asap
Scripting a CSV / Excel Export
The Export as Excel / CSV function only allows global access to the function, rather than table by table. It would be good if exporting an Excel or CSV could be scripted into a button,…
formula to show who created a record?
Might there be a formula to show who 'created' a record, and perhaps also 'last updated by'
Embedding an image into an email
Might anyone know how to embed an image into an email sent from ninox? The image would be pulled from an image field
Treating string with commas, as an array?
Hi, I have a string in a text field, lets say it is 'colours' : red, blue, black. If I use item(colours, 3), it will return 'e', instead of black, due to it being a string and not an array.…
Deleting Images via batch update or formula
Hi, I've noted that when using the formula : Image := null , rather than deleting the image it shifts it into the attachements area. Is there a formula which will delete the file?
Saving PDFs when emailing
Hi, Is it possible to save PDFs for Emails to an Image Field, opposed to saving them to the Attachments tab ? Or even better would be emailing them without needing to save a PDF copy to the record…
Admin Access Privileges
Is it possible to give access to edit certain tables within a database, without allowing access to other tables