Pierre Laniray
Joined: Mon Dec 30 20:21:56 UTC 2019
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Unable to Format a Formula number & Display the formula as a column
Hi, I'm having a weird problem (from my perspective) in using a Formula in Ninox, calculating the final average Grade for one Student, in one Class : - I'm unable to force a format on the formula :…
In For - Where - Do Script - Add a loop
Hi, I'm struggling with an issue. I'm using a for-where-do script to look for the specific Students concerned with an Exam (an Exam is connected to only one Course,…
Re: Question on Trigger Script - automatically enrolling the students of a class when linking a course to the class
Yes, it's exactly that. After fiddling around and finally understanding how to create records, I came up with the same solution. Since you appear quite the expert, I must say I'm proud of myself :… -
Question on Trigger Script - automatically enrolling the students of a class when linking a course to the class
Hi everyone, New to Ninox, I want to put a very simple script that automatically registers the students from a class when a course is created in this class.…