Print invoice question
Hi there, im wondering why when i go to print an invoice, the information i have in a sub table has missing product lines. If i click on print pdf, all the product lines are there which is fine but…
Can i use a footer total sum as a field?
Hi there, i was wondering how i can access the sum formula in a column footer as a field in a formula? I have a column called "total paid" in my invoice table which gives me a figure of how much…
Changing price on a line item question.
Hi guys, just wondering if i can get some help on this one. I have a database in which i have clients, products and the ability to invoice clients with products.…
Sending invoice by mail?
Hey guys, i love this database i am building, ninox is quite powerfull! Id like to know if there was a way i could create a button on my invoice page that would add the invoice as an attachment in…