Field labels in RED color
Hi, Just wanted to find out if it was possible to make the labels of the fields in RED color for all required fields in a table. eg: In the Sales Order table,…
- Answered
If condition not working with comparison operators
Hi, I have got a headache trying to understand why can Ninox scripting engine comprehend such a simple If condition together with "and" and "or" operators: let currentDate := today();…
- Answered
Populate a choice list with values based on a selected value from lookup
Hello friends, I am trying to build a Sales module in Ninox. My Setup (Database is attached): 1. Clients table with a subtable called 'Client Contacts' 2.…
- Answered
Storing array in a table column
Hello friends, I am new to Ninox and learning to get acquainted to it. I have a Parent/Child tables setup (Products and 'Product Details'). In the Products table I have T-shirt types (Round Neck for…