Carlos Martinho
Search for words (not sequencial) in a string
Hi All, I need to create a search field where I put two or more words on a string and try to find it in a query result. The problem is that with the "like" I could add more than one word but they…
Table records user control
Hi, I have an expenses table shared by different users but I want that each user only sees the records created by themselves. Is this possible. They have the same role and need to access the same…
Control records Access by user.
Hi, I have an expenses table shared by different users but I want that each user only sees the records created by themselves. Is this possible. They have the same role and need to access the same…
Duplicate a record don't increment a calculated file number
Hi, I've a "Trigger on Create" with a formula to increment a number in a numeric field (I want to avoid the use of table ID). The trigger works fine if i click in a new record button,…
Remove all white spaces from a string
Hi, I need to know is exist a formula to remove all white spaces in a string. Trim just removes from beginning and end of a string. Thanks.