Arjan Groen
Export and/of import properties of the table fields
Hello all, When your application is growing and you make a lot of code in different field properties, you quickly lose the overview where softwarecode has been processed.…
Delete all attachment from a specific record using the ninoc code
Hello support, How can I delete all the attached files from a specific record using the ninox code? Greetings A Green
Can I send a email with the attached file from a specific record
Hello I used the function importFile (see example code) and that works well!In a other step I want to send emails to the customer with the attached file of a specific record (see previous action).…
Can I show a dialog window to the user and let them enter values in a field or variable?
Hello support Is there a possibility to show a dialog window to the user so that the user can enter a value in a field / variable and then confirm it? I want to use the entered value into a…
Building your own Function?
Hello, Please van you give some code examples how to define a custom function? Forum description: ++++++ Creating User defined functions locally with the function command: function name(argument:…
"comments" in the code
How can I include comments in the code that is ignored by Ninox when executing the code? Arjan G
Is there a plan tot introduce "before create" and "before update" triggers
Hello, Will Ninox support "by create" and " after update" triggers. Is there a plan to introduce alse "before update" or/and " before create" triggers, that would be very helpfull.…