Server not responding
Ninox through a browser is getting error and not able to connect to server. App on iPad will connect but slow. Help.
Report Writer
Is it possible to sort on a field in the report writer but not display it? I have to sort on multiple fields so I had to concaténate them and it has to appear on the report..…
Re: Is there a field type or a way to have a field which retrieves information from the web, like a stock price from google finance?
Well, I took a break and then went back to it. I was originally trying to run in Console to see if it would work... put the following code in a button and works like a charm..… -
Re: Is there a field type or a way to have a field which retrieves information from the web, like a stock price from google finance?
Hey Steven, the format "do as server let response :=" doesn't seem to work.. must use " let response := do as server.". if I use your sample and change that I still get the same invalid API key..… -
Re: Is there a field type or a way to have a field which retrieves information from the web, like a stock price from google finance?
thank you for your input.. I appreciate any insight... I have tried do as server.. here is my latest kick at the can... I have tried a bunch of combinations of double and single quotes...… -
Re: Is there a field type or a way to have a field which retrieves information from the web, like a stock price from google finance?
Thank you Sean. I tried this and got an error from yahoo finance..Based on their examples.. can you see what I am doing wrong (I assume I want a get as I want to get information from their API.… -
Printrecord not working in browser
I have a requirement to automatically print an invoice when a quote status is changed to approved. In the after update trigger I put in the printrecord command. Works like a charm in the app.…
Does anyone have any strategies for release management from a development to test to production environments?
Supporting an envinpronment where there will be multiple non technical users and want to be able to make changes and test in one version of the db and then promote changes to production version.…