Captain Quint
.db encryption key
I need to export my data with photos to another database system. The only method seems to be to archive the database, change the file extension from .ninox to .…
Why can't I duplicate a table with all its data?
I am aware of the "Duplicate table..." button in the "Edit Fields" panel, but that function does not actually duplicate a table, it duplicates a table structure.…
Gray vs Blue Database Icon Color
What's the difference between databases with gray vs blue icon colors? I have several databases, all cloud based. Some display as gray, others blue. My understanding is the color difference has to…
Expression to place non-printing ascii codes into text
The first 16 values of ascii/unicode are non-printable. e.g. 01, is null, 12 is form feed, 10 is line feed, 13 is carriage return, etc. I don't find any function in the language for ascii codes.…
Please support/add WebDAV syncing.
I use Ninox for logging and a variety of other activities aboard a seaging sailing vessel and frequently have no internet access. I have a Synology NAS with wired and wireless networking.…