Replace value of let statement in another formula
Hiya I'm setting up a global style system for our database. I have this formula for a button (created using a formula field): let label := "";let styleSheet := CSS;let htmlString :…
Way for "guest" to "accept" a job and have it update database
Hey all I have a system set up to send jobs to our warehouse, which is pretty good except that I don't have a way for them to automatically accept the job (they get sent an email from the DB,…
Edit formula with HTML in print layout
When I add a formula with html to a print layout, I can edit it after the initial save. Normally I would double click on the field to edit, but it seems the html is interferring with that.…
Prit layout - display if not null
Is it possible to hide table views in the print layout if they have no records listed? So, display if != null
Change field colour based on sum
I have the following code: let AA := sum('Seamless QTY on Hand (Bags)') + sum('HELP QTY on Hand (Bags)') + sum('Mt Waverley QTY on Hand (Bags)');if AA < sum('Low Stock Level') and AA > sum('Re-Order…
Deleting records
Is anyone having issues deleting records? Basically confirming delete then nothing happens?
Chart view not loading
I have 2 bar graph views in one of my forms. One is showing the total monthly sales, the other quarterly. The quartley sales displays immediately without issue.…
Integromat - linked records
Hi all Just a quick one. Setting up some notifications from Ninox to Slack via integromat. If I include a linked record, it pulls the record ID - not the name of the record.…
Emails going to junk
Hey all I have several email-buttons throughout our database, and its a mixed result if the email goes to junk or not. The main culprit is our BLA submit email.…
Linking between databases
Is the ability to link between databases something we can expect to see in the future? I anticipate our database growing quite a bit, and we have offices around the world.…