Taylor Hanson
Copy to clipboard: Multi-line referenced table
Hi Folks, Here's a doozy (well, hopefully not). I'd like to add a 'Copy' button below a referenced table "Project Details". Within that table, I'd like to copy a couple of fields:…
Zapier and Ninox Formula Fields
It looks like Zapier doesn't want to recognize Ninox formula fields as I'm setting up my trigger. Have any of you found a workaround? Can I maybe copy the info in my formula field to a text field?…
Auto-populate tax depending on another dropdown field selection?
I'm wondering if it's possible to tell Ninox to apply tax based on my 'job type' dropdown field? For example, if I pick 'shipping' that would be taxable,…
Auto-populate pricing from another table?
Ok Ninox wizards, now I'm trying to auto-populate some pricing and job details. Here are the top level details: Main table is 'Job Status Log' which has 100s of job entries that are connected to my...…