Add elements to a choice field
Hi to all Is there a way to add, edit, delete elements in a choice Field through a formula? ex. Field 1 (formula field) I assign values in a formula: let x := "Napo" let y := "Orso" let z :…
Choice Field Trigger
Hi to all! I have got this structure: MasterSearchTable - fields: Choice Dynamic MusicBrainz ID MBIDsTable - fields: MBID Description as you can see the Choice Dynamic field is correctly connected to…
- Answered
join function to get an ordered output
Hi to all i have a formula: let data := text(response.result.relations); let bandData := parseJSON(data); let artists := ""; for i in bandData do let artistType := i.…
HTML formatting
Hi to all, with this formula: let AR := "Artists"; html("<h1 style='border: 0px solid darkslategray; padding: 11px; font-family: Helvetica; font-size: 10px; color: black; text-align: center; cursor:…
- Answered
import an Image from WEB
This procedure allows you to download an image from a public website and display it in an Image field: Usually, I go through the following steps: Image Field text field labelled in this example…
Trigger on a choice field (new)
i have a table with a button with this formula: let xCurrRec := ID; let xDiscogsRelease := 'Release Number'; let xtoken := 'Insert Your Discogs Token Here'; let url := "https://api.discogs.…
Trigger on a choice field
Hi to all I have a button perfectly functioning on a table with this formula: let x := dialog("Edit", "Edit Release", ["No", "Yes"]); if x = "Yes" then let xCurrRec := ID; let xReleaseNumber :…
- Answered
Wrap a text in a Rich Formula field
Hi to all! this formula : let tracklist := response.result.tracklist; let tracklistInfo := ""; for track in tracklist do let position := track.position; let title := track.…
- Answered
Response in JSON Format alternately functioning
Ok. I finally achieved my goal to get informations from a site and used to fill my fields in Ninox for Example The formula request for the formula field called Artist name: let xDiscogsRelease :…