Robert Nanista
number() function stops convert strings with letters
Hello, I think that function number(), was converting strings like "XX23" to number 23... I've used it lot to convert record id to number for function record(Table,number(id)) .…
Owner rights
Hi, My colleague is the owner of database. But I want to set up for him also one right atribute - like managers. How can I do it please? I need to make because of approving some actions in company,…
Server not responding
Hi support, today we have the same problem as BlairW had two weeks ago:…
I need help with "do as server" script
Hi, I have button for duplicating the record to subtable and also the items from records. Before the button is worked with this script: let b1 := "Major";let b2 := "Minor";let b3 :…
Layout element - View
Dear support, we have an issue with Layout element - View. We think that added formula doesn´t work correctly. In the case of first two vendors it works properly.…