change single items of an array
Hi, i would like to know how i change single items of an array. Let's say if have an array := [a,b,c] and i want to change item 2 [b] to f. The final array will look like [a,f,c].…
Monate zu Datum addieren
Hallo, ich habe ein Datum und möchte als Funktion einfach nur, z.Bsp.: 6 Monate dazurechnen. Ich finde aber keine Möglichkeit die Monate dazu zu addieren. Einfach nur 180 Tage wäre eben nicht korrekt.…
Having Trouble with print to pdf
Dear Ninox Team, i have the following code which basically takes multiple lists of material and puts it into one. The function also counts and deletes double entries.…
select with multiple conditions
Hi, it was already asked in this forum but i never saw a working answer. is it possible to have a select with multiple conditions? such as: select Table where (entry1 = true) AND (entry2 = true)…