Percentage-wise display of RGB color from red through yellow to green
I am thinking of a nice way of displaying a status in terms of color-coding that is entirely fluid. I was thinking to go from red through yellow to green,…
UNICODE Progress bar for alert window, indicating progress of loop function
To indicate progress of scripts that use a loop function, I found it practical to give a visual indication of the progress using an alert window. However,…
Combining a global variable boolean field with a trigger on table-level
I have a - boolean field called "Switch" that is a Global Variable in memory - date field called "LastChange" - a table with several fields of all types Generally,…
Integrating eMail HTML code for Outlook appointment invitation
Here goes: We have a "ToDo-List" function in our CRM but instead of sending regular e-mails with lists of ToDos sorted by urgency, I would like to facilitate incorporating the ToDos into the Outlook…
Within switch do structure, is there a determined structure of how to define variables?
I am only just learning to code in Ninox and I was busting in my head trying to figure out why I kept getting an error message, and it turns out it had to do with the sequence in which I determined…
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