hi, I have a database shared with several users. I would like to protect the privacy of each single user, means not disclose its own work on the platform at the other.…
Database structure
Hi, I produce a database, is it possible to have a detailed recap or a detailed overview of the structure of the database comprehensive of the formulas and the fields used? Thanks in advance. Max
Select record in a relational field
Hi, I would like to know if it's possible to select a record in a relational field by a text field value. Thanks in advance Max
Button functions
Hi, is it possible to add a formula at a button to close all the opened table?
reference field
hi, is it possible to select a record in a reference table field indirectly using a value present in a text or choice field?
Hi, how is it possible to block the user access to the fields modifications and to the formulas?
Hi, is it possible to invite a Ninox user from a different organization as my teammate?
Email field
Good evening, is it possible to add an email address as Cc or CCn in the email field? many thanks
Table and Subtable
Hi, using ninox I discovered that deleting a subtable it becomes a table, is it possible to reverse it? Or is it possible to transform an existing table in a subtable? Many thanks, Max